Keeping up with Your Oral Hygiene: Thanksgiving

With Thanksgiving tomorrow, we at Chapman Orthodontics in Zionsville, IN want to offer you these last minute Thanksgiving dental tips:

  1. The sugary sweet potatoes and pumpkin pies make their way to everyone’s Thanksgiving diner every year. This year try reducing the sugar in the recipe by avoiding additional toppings like marshmallows or whipped cream.
  2. Add a vegetable platter to the dinner table. Crunchy options such as celery and carrots help stimulate the gums and scrape away plaque from your teeth. Celery also stimulates saliva production, which helps neutralize bacteria.
  3. Don’t forget to keep up with your oral hygiene in between all the friends, family, food and football. If possible, brush your teeth and floss between meals, but if you can’t do that, rinse with water and chew some sugar-free gum to minimize the buildup in your teeth.

Dr. Chapman looks forward to seeing you at your next appointment. Happy Thanksgiving!

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